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Bike Lock & Key Registration

Whilst many manufacturers offer their customers bike lock and key registration, it’s surprising how few utilise this service. 

Bike lock key registration is a smart move that’ll keep the key code to your lock safe.

By registering your code, you won’t have to buy a new lock if you misplace your keys or key code card. Instead, you’ll be able to order replacement keys using your code registered on the manufacturer’s website. 

Some bike lock manufacturers will also extend your warranty if you register your lock and keys on their website, so it’s worth doing. 

In this short guide, I’ll let you know every reputable manufacturer that offers a registration service, so you can find out if your bike lock and keys can be registered. 

And if your bike lock can’t be registered, I’ll show you what to do so that your bike lock key code is safely protected, should you ever require it. 

If you’ve come here from my replacement bike keys article, I’ll follow the steps below for the relevant manufacturer, and you’ll be good to go!

Bike lock and key code registration service
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    Bike Lock & Key Registration

    I’ll admit I’ve lost many sets of bike keys during my years working in the bicycle security industry.

    Thankfully, whenever possible, I always register the keys and each lock I purchase, which means that I can get replacement keys cut as and when needed. 

    Most big bike lock brands offer lock & key registration to their customers, as it’s very easy to misplace your keys or the key code that comes with them. 

    Below, I highlight the benefits of bike lock & key registration before jumping into how you can register your lock and keys with your chosen manufacturer. 

    Benefits of Registering Your Bike Lock & Keys

    Whilst the benefits of registering your bike lock and keys vary slightly with each manufacturer, upon registration, you’ll often benefit from the following:

    • Your bike lock key code is safely stored online in case replacements are required
    • Your warranty period is lengthened from the standard warranty
    • The combination to your combination lock is safely stored online in case you forget it

    Whilst these aren’t jaw-dropping perks, you’ll thank yourself should you lose the keys to your bike lock as you won’t need to splash out on a new lock. 

    How To Register Your Bike Lock & Keys

    So you’ve just bought a new bike lock, or you’ve finally found the key code to your existing bike lock and now want to register your code online? 

    Smart move. 

    Below, I show you the easiest way to register your bike lock and key codes with every reputable bike lock manufacturer.

    Don’t see the brand you’re looking for below? Don’t panic; instead, read this section of the guide, which provides your next best steps. 

    Click the brand of your bike lock to skip to the relevant section:

    ABUS Bike Lock & Key Registration

    ABUS offer a key registration service to customers in the following countries: 

    If you live outside of these locations, you could register a postal forwarding service’s address in one of these locations and pay for keys to be forwarded to you if you ever require replacements. 

    Otherwise, ABUS state that they are currently working on expanding their registration service to a broader range of countries.

    If you want to register your ABUS keys, click the location above that suits you best, and you’ll be taken to the relevant bike lock key registration page.

    The only benefit of registering your key code with ABUS is that they store it safely on your account so you can order replacement keys at the click of a button if required. 

    Please be aware that the ABUS key registering service has been under work recently and will sometimes be temporarily unavailable. 

    Once you’ve registered your key code on the ABUS website, view the additional key code steps at the bottom of the page

    To find out more about ABUS key replacement, including prices, how to order and where to find your ABUS key code, read this section.

    Kryptonite Bike Lock & Key Registration

    Kryptonite offer their Key Safe Program and Combo Safe Program to users of eligible products.

    These are as follows: 

    • New York Fahgettaboudit U-Locks and Chain Locks
    • New York U-Locks, Chain Locks, Disc Locks
    • Evolution Series 4 U-Locks
    • Disc Locks, Evolution Mini U-Locks
    • KryptoLok Series 2 U-Locks
    • Hardwire Cables and Kryptoflex Cables

    If your lock is included in this list, it’s a great idea to register your key code, as you’ll then receive your first two keys free of charge.

    Additionally, registering the combination of a combo-lock will mean you can get in touch and receive a reminder of the code if you forget it.  

    Kryptonite’s key registration is available to customers worldwide. To access and register your key code/combination with Kryptonite, click here.  

    Once you’ve registered your key code on the Kryptonite website, view the additional key code steps at the bottom of the page

    To find out more about Kryptonite key replacement, including prices, how to order and where to find your Kryptonite key code, read this section.

    OnGuard Bike Lock & Key Registration

    OnGuard provide a bike lock key registration service, but it’s only available to customers in the USA. 

    If you live outside of the USA, you may be able to use a post-forwarding service to forward any new keys to you. 

    OnGuard don’t offer free replacement keys or extend their warranty period when you register your key code, but they will keep your code safely stored for you in case you lose your bike lock keys. 

    To register the keys to your OnGuard bike lock, click here.

    Once you’ve registered your key code on the OnGuard website, view the additional key code steps at the bottom of the page

    To learn more about OnGuard key replacement, including prices, how to order and where to find your OnGuard key code, read this section.

    Via Velo Bike Lock & Key Registration

    Via Velo offer a key and combo registration service for the following products:

    • Via Velo Combination Lock with 4ft Cable 
    • Via Velo U-Lock Heavy Duty 15mm 
    • Via Velo U-Lock Heavy Duty 14mm 
    • Via Velo Folding Bike Lock

    Via Velo don’t offer any additional benefits when registering your key code.

    But as with other brands, your code will be stored safely against your account, so you’ll always have access to it if needed. 

    To register your Via Velo key code or lock combination, use this form

    Once you’ve registered your key code on the Via Velo website, view the additional key code steps at the bottom of the page

    To learn more about Via Velo key replacement, including prices, how to order and where to find your Via Velo key code read this section.

    Trelock Bike Lock & Key Registration

    Trelock offer users access to their “myTrelock” area upon signup.

    This portal provides a safe place for users of Trelock products to make notes of their bike lock key codes and combinations (for combination locks). 

    Users can store multiple key codes for different locks, allowing replacements to be ordered at the click of a button. 

    Trelock’s myTrelock service is available to customers in all locations, and they offer worldwide postage on replacement bike lock keys. 

    Click here to sign up to myTrelock and register your bike lock keys. 

    Once you’ve registered your key code on the Trelock website, view the additional key code steps at the bottom of the page

    To find out more about Trelock key replacement, including prices, how to order and where to find your Trelock key code read this section.

    Seatylock Bike Lock & Key Registration

    Seatylock provide an additional year’s warranty (totalling three years) to customers who register their lock and key code upon purchase. 

    Alongside this, as with other key registration services, any registered codes will be safely stored so you can easily order replacement keys if required. 

    Seatylock customers can register their bike lock and key code here, but it’s worth noting that key replacement is currently only available to customers in the United States. 

    Customers living elsewhere could use a US-based postal forwarding service to forward replacement keys to their desired location. 

    Once you’ve registered your key code on the Seatylock website, view the additional key code steps at the bottom of the page

    To find out more about Seatylock key replacement, including prices, how to order and where to find your Seatylock key code read this section.

    Hiplok Bike Lock & Key Registration

    Hiplok offer key and combination registration to their customers. 

    Any user registering their key combination on the Hiplok website receives a lifetime warranty against workmanship and material defects, which is fantastic. 

    The lifetime warranty is available on all Hiplok keyed chain locks, Hiplok D locks and on AIRLOK, ANKR, ANKR MINI and JAW products. 

    Hiplok offer their key replacement service to customers worldwide, which is good to see. 

    Click here to register your Hiplok key code and receive your lifetime (10-year) warranty. 

    Or click here to register a Hiplok combination code.

    By registering your Hiplok key or combination code, you’ll have access to these upon demand, meaning you can be reminded of your existing combination or get replacement keys cut if required. 

    Once you’ve registered your key code on the Hiplok website, view the additional key code steps at the bottom of the page

    To find out more about Hiplok key replacement, including prices, how to order and where to find your Hiplok key code, read this section.

    LITELOK Bike Lock & Key Registration

    The LITELOK website says that locks and keys should be registered with them within 30 days of purchase to activate their warranty. 

    Similarly to other bike lock key registration services, LITELOK will keep registered key codes stored securely so that replacement keys can be easily cut if required.

    LITELOK customers can view the key registration form here, which is available to customers worldwide.

    Once you’ve registered your key code on the LITELOK website, view the additional key code steps at the bottom of the page

    To find out more about LITELOK key replacement, including prices, how to order and where to find your LITELOK key code read this section.

    Zefal Bike Lock & Key Registration

    Zefal don’t technically offer a key registration service, but I’ve found a workaround for anyone wanting to keep their key code safe in case replacements are required down the line. 

    Those that want to “register” their Zefal key code online should sign up for a Zefal account here. 

    Once registered, head to the “Add Address” section to input your current address. 

    I then used the “VAT Number” Section to input “Key Code:” followed by the keycode of my lock. 

    To find out more about Zefal key replacement, including prices, how to order and where to find your Zefal key code, read this section.

    This way, your key code is safely stored on the Zefal website and can be accessed easily if you need replacements cut, which Zefal offer free of charge with worldwide shipping. 

    If you need to register multiple key codes, I’d advise adding the lock’s model to one section of the address form, helping you distinguish between codes. 

    Once you’ve registered your key code on the Zefal website, view the additional key code steps at the bottom of the page

    To find out more about Zefal key replacement, including prices, how to order and where to find your Zefal key code, read this section.

    Altor Bike Lock & Key Registration

    Customers of Altor can register the keys to their lock by entering their key code here

    By registering your Altor key code, if you lost your existing keys and hadn’t taken note of your combination, you’d have access to your key code through Altor.

    This will allow you to order replacements whenever required quickly. 

    Altor ship replacement keys worldwide for their entire range of locks. 

    Once you’ve registered your key code on the Altor website, view the additional key code steps at the bottom of the page

    To learn more about Altor key replacement, including prices, how to order and where to find your Altor key code read this section.

    Do This if the Manufacturer of Your Bike Lock Doesn’t Offer Key Registration

    If you can’t register your bike lock or key code with your manufacturers, don’t panic.

    Some bike lock manufacturers don’t allow their customers to register their key codes, which is slightly annoying, but it’s not the end of the world.

    Below I’ve put together steps that you should follow, which help to ensure you won’t lose your key code. 

    Additional Steps To Take For Bike Lock Key Registration/Security

    Even if you’ve followed the steps above and have successfully registered your bike lock & key code, I advise you to follow the steps below.

    Keeping your key code stored in more than one place will reduce the chances of losing it altogether, so follow one or more of the following steps. 

    The easiest way to ensure your bike lock key code remains safe is to take a picture of it and save it to your phone/computer.

    Wherever you save it, make sure it’s easy to find by favouriting or marking the photo to stand out from all other images saved on your device. 

    Nice and easy, password protected and saved locally. 

    Writing your bike lock key code down is another great way to ensure you don’t lose it. 

    The notes section of your mobile phone is one of the best places to store it. Make sure you title the note “Bike Lock Key Code” so that you know what the code’s for if required in the future. 

    Rather than writing it down on a scrap of paper that is likely to be binned or forgotten about, write your key code somewhere it won’t get lost, for example, in a diary or personal planner.

    Wherever you decide to write it down, make a mental note of where you kept it so that ordering replacements is easy if required in the future.

    If you got a key code card with your bike lock, keeping the physical card somewhere safe is a great idea. 

    I always advise separating the key code card from your keys when you buy a new bike lock. Otherwise, you run the risk of losing both the keys and the key code card at the same time.  

    Even if you only have one bike lock, I recommend labelling the key code card so that you know what it is. This way, in two years’ time, if you lose your bike lock keys, you’ll be able to find it and order the correct replacements.

    Just make sure that you put it somewhere safe that you’ll remember.

    Instead of carrying a key chain with all your bike lock keys attached to it, carry one of your bike lock keys and keep the rest stored safely at home. 

    You’d be surprised how many cyclists lose every key to their bike lock simply because they didn’t separate them when purchased. 

    I advise keeping spare keys in a key jar or wherever you keep your other keys, as this will guarantee they’re ready if you ever need a spare. 

    If storing your keys with others, labelling them can be a good idea. 

    Conclusion - Bike Lock & Key Registration

    I hope you’ve found your article helpful. By following the information above, you should now have managed to register your bike lock key code with your manufacturer.

    Otherwise, if the manufacturer of your bike lock doesn’t offer key or lock registration, you should save an image/make a note of your key code somewhere safe. 

    If, for some reason, you were unable to register your key code or if you have any questions, drop me a message below, and I’ll see what I can do to help!

    Author of This Post:
    Picture of James Grear (Lead Editor)
    James Grear (Lead Editor)

    Understanding how devastating it is to have a bike stolen, I've researched & immersed myself in the world of bicycle security since 2013.

    I then built BikeLockWiki in 2019 to share everything I'd learned with the worldwide cycling community so that cyclists can improve their bike security skills and make informed decisions when purchasing new products and services.

    Learn More about Me & BikeLockWiki here.

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