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Replacement Bike Keys – Where to Get Them?

If you’ve lost the keys to your bike lock and need replacement bike lock keys or are simply looking to get some additional copies cut, then this article will direct you to the most convenient key-cutting service for every popular bike lock brand. 

Of course, whilst the chances are slim, your local locksmith may be able to cut bike lock keys for you.

However, if the manufacturers of your bike lock offer a key replacement service, using their service will be your best bet. 

So, if you’ve been wondering how to get new keys for your bike lock, where to get bike lock keys cut, or if you can get replacement bike lock keys, keep reading, and I’ll show you the most reliable services for every popular bike lock brand. 

Where to Get Replacement Bike Lock Keys
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    Bike Lock Key Codes

    Bike lock manufacturers that provide a key replacement scheme for their customers use unique key codes to identify the different cuts that a key requires to be able to operate its lock. 

    Typically manufacturers will stamp key identification codes on the side of the key’s blade. However, key codes are sometimes supplied on a plastic or metal tag with the keys at the time of purchase. 

    Just below, alongside where to get replacement bike lock keys cut, I also show you the typical key code location for each brand with images, so take a look if you’re unsure of what you’re looking for.

    Where To Find Key Codes For Each Bike Lock Brand

    Kryptonite Key Codes

    Kryptonite key codes are typically found on the reverse of the plastic head of the keys.

    Key codes aren’t printed on Kryptonite’s LED keys, or despite what some sources suggest, on the red label that’s supplied on the key chain. This is simply a warning label. 

    Kryptonite Bike Lock Key Code

    Kryptonite key codes are typically six digits long and will often start with a letter followed by five numbers.

    For example, the key code for my Kryptonite 1055 Mini is: F30658.

    Once you’ve located your Kryptonite key code, click here, and I’ll show you how to get replacements printed.

    Can’t find your key code or lost your keys? Read this section

    ABUS Key Codes

    ABUS key codes are often printed on a blue card that’s supplied with your lock at the time of purchase.

    Otherwise, with some of the cheaper locks ABUS offer, the key code can be printed on the blade of the key, as shown in the ABUS section here. 

    ABUS Key Replacement Service

    ABUS key codes are typically five to six characters long and can contain letters and numbers.

    For example, the key code for my ABUS 59 Extreme D lock is: 234663.

    Once you’ve located your ABUS key code, click here, and I’ll show you how to order replacements. 

    Can’t find your key code or lost your keys? Read this section

    Master Lock Key Codes

    Master Lock key codes are printed on one side of the key’s blade and are typically six characters long and usually start with a letter followed by five numbers.

    For example, the key code for one of my Master Lock 8278 EURDPROs is: D80805.

    Masterlock key replacement code

    Once you’ve found your Master Lock key code, click here to learn about how to get duplicates cut. 

    Can’t find your key code or lost your keys? Read this section

    OnGuard Key Codes

    OnGuard key codes are printed on a key code card which are usually blue and white, as shown here.

    OnGuard key codes are eight characters long and are typically made up of a combination of ones, twos and threes. 

    OnGuard Bike Lock Key Replacement Code

    For example, the key code to my OnGuard Brute is: 21211212

    Once you’ve found the key code for your OnGuard lock, click here, and I’ll show you the best places to get replacement keys cut. 

    Can’t find your key code or lost your keys? Read this section

    Trelock Key Codes

    Trelock key codes are typically found printed on the top of the blade of your Trelock key. 

    But as you’ll see later in the article, Trelock key codes can also be printed on the plastic key head.

    Trelock key codes are typically five or six characters long and often start with a letter.

    Trelock Key Replacement Codes

    For example, the key code for my Trelock U 6 L is: M202407

    When you’ve located your Trelock key code, click here, and I’ll show you where and how to get replacement keys cut.

    Can’t find your key code or lost your keys? Read this section

    Via Velo Key Codes

    Via Velo key codes are supplied on a plastic key code card attached to your key ring at the time of purchase. 

    These key code cards are similar to those used by OnGuard and Zefal.

    When you’ve located your Via Velo key code, click here, and I’ll show you where and how to get replacement keys cut.

    Can’t find your key code or lost your keys? Read this section

    Oxford Key Codes

    Key codes for most of Oxford’s products are printed on a small metal tag which is attached to the key ring when purchased.

    On some of Oxford’s older locks, the key code can be found printed towards the top of the key’s blade, as shown later in this article.

    Oxford Bike Lock Key Replacement Code

    Oxford key codes can be between six to eight characters long and will typically start with one or two letters. 

    For example, the key code for my Oxford Alarm D Pro is: HE023410

    When you’ve located your Oxford key code, click here, and I’ll show you where and how to get replacement keys cut.

    Can’t find your key code or lost your keys? Read this section

    Seatylock Key Codes

    Seatylock Key codes are printed on a key code card attached to the key ring supplied with the lock. 

    Seatylock key codes are typically made up of two separate sequences of numbers labelled “A” and “B”, each five digits long. 

    Seatylock Bike Lock Key Replacement Code

    For example, the key code to one of my Seatlock Viking Golds is: A:21213 B:31224.

    When you’ve located your Trelock key code, click here, and I’ll show you where and how to get replacement keys cut.

    Can’t find your key code or lost your keys? Read this section

    Hiplok Key Codes

    Hiplok key codes are printed at the head of the key and are typically twelve numbers long, containing a combination of ones, twos, threes and fours. 

    For example, the key code for my Hiplok Homie Gold Chain is: 124324242434

    Hiplok Key Replacement Code

    Once you’ve found your Hiplok key code, click here, and I’ll take you through the replacement process. 

    Can’t find your key code or lost your keys? Read this section

    LITELOK Key Codes

    LITELOK key codes are printed towards the top of each key’s blade, typically beginning with two letters followed by a combination of five numbers. 

    For example, the key code to one of my LITELOK X1s is: DT80037.

    LITELOK Key Replacement Code

    If you’ve found your LITELOK key code, click here to learn how and where to get replacement keys cut. 

    Can’t find your key code or lost your keys? Read this section

    Zefal Key Codes

    Key codes for Zefal locks are found on the blue and white key code cards supplied on the key ring at the time of purchase. 

    Zefal key codes are normally eight digits long, containing a combination of ones, twos and threes. 

    Zefal Bike Lock Key Replacement Code

    For example, the key code to my Zefal K-Traz U17 is: 12311322

    Can’t find your key code or lost your keys? Read this section

    Altor Key Codes

    The Altor SAF lock comes with four high-security keys, each coded with the same three-digit number. 

    The code is printed on one side of the head of each key.

    For example, the key code for my Altor SAF is 029. 

    Altor Key Replacement Code

    What To Do If You Can't Find Your Bike Lock Keys/Key Code

    All bike key replacement services require a key code for replacement or additional keys to be cut.

    Unfortunately, this means if you’ve been unable to locate your key code, your chances of getting replacement keys cut are very slim. 

    If you have an existing key for the lock but no key code, you may be able to get a replacement cut by taking your key and lock to a specialist locksmith.

    Alternatively, you could reach out to the manufacturer of your lock and see if they could decode your key. 

    But as I mentioned earlier, I live in central London, and after visiting 10 highly specialised locksmiths, I had no luck getting a key cut for a lock that I had the key code for, so don’t get your hopes up. 

    If your bike lock is secured to your bike, you’ll probably want to read this article, which will teach you how to remove a bike lock without keys. 

    Otherwise, it’s most likely time to get yourself a new lock. Depending on what sort of lock you require, you might want to check out one of the following reviews for several worthwhile suggestions:

    Bike Lock Key Replacement Services

    ABUS Key Replacement Service

    ABUS’ key replacement service is called “ABUS Key Service” and is one of the most straightforward bike lock key replacement services for customers. 

    Any that requires replacement ABUS keys should visit the Key Service page for their country or nearest location:

    If you’re based outside of these locations, then unfortunately, ABUS don’t currently offer a replacement service delivered to your country. 

    But that’s not game over! If you live outside the above locations, you could use a post-forwarding service to forward the key to you from the most convenient location above.  

    Otherwise, you can find your best point of contact or closest approved ABUS retailer here using their world map tool. 

    To Order new keys using the ABUS Key Service, you’ll need your unique keycode, which will either be printed on your ABUS keys or on the blue key card they came with, as shown in the section here.

    Roger Seal, sales and marketing manager of ABUS UK, told me that they do have a mechanical code reader that they can use to read certain key types. so if you don’t have the key code, all hope is not lost. 

    That said, if you can’t find your key code, getting new keys cut will likely be a long process.

    It might be worth trying a few local key-cutting shops to see if they can help. Otherwise, you’ll want to read this section to learn what to do next. 

    ABUS Key Replacement Price

    The price you pay for your replacement ABUS keys depends upon which key you need.

    More complex locking mechanisms like the ABUS Plus and X-Plus keys are more expensive than others but below are the price you can expect to pay for your country: 

    • USA & Canada – All keys $12.99 
    • UK & Ireland – £9.95 to £19.95
    • Germany – €10.95 to €20.95

    Kryptonite Key Replacement Service

    The Kryptonite key replacement service falls under their “Key Safe Program”. 

    Kryptonite’s Key Safe Program provides a free set of replacement keys to the owners of any locks which are sold bearing the Key Replacement Program seal. 

    The locks which the Key Safe Program covers are as follows:

    • New York Fahgettaboudit U-Locks and Chain Locks
    • New York U-Locks, Chain Locks, Disc Locks
    • Evolution Series 4 U-Locks
    • Disc Locks, Evolution Mini U-Locks
    • KryptoLok Series 2 U-Locks
    • Hardwire Cables and Kryptoflex Cables

    If you’re unsure which Kryptonite lock you have, look through their lock models here, and you’ll be able to figure out if you’re eligible for a free replacement. 

    If your lock is eligible for a free replacement, fill out this form, select “Key Safe Program”, and Kryptonite should get back to you.

    There have been mixed feelings about their free replacement service, with several users stating they’ve never been contacted by Kryptonite or received their keys. 

    If your lock doesn’t fall under those covered by the Key Safe Program, or if you don’t have time to wait for replacements, you should use the paid key service to order new Kryptonite Keys.

    Scroll to the bottom of this page, where you’ll input your key code and postal details before ordering your keys. 

    Kryptonite key codes are usually printed on the blade of the key towards the top, as shown under the Kryptonite tab here

    Can’t find your Kryptonite key code? Unfortunately, it’ll be a struggle to get new keys cut without. In this case, you should read this section which advises you on your next best steps.

    Kryptonite Key Replacement Price

    Kryptonite’s pricing structure is nice and simple:

    • 1 Key – $12
    • 2 Keys – $20
    • Additional keys – $5 each

    These prices are inclusive of worldwide shipping, which is very reasonable.  

    Kryptonite Lockout Service

    If you’ve lost all of the keys to your Kryptonite lock and didn’t register or take note of your key code, you’re in a bit of luck if you live in the US or Canada. 

    If your lock is still secured to your bike, then you’ll want to learn how to remove it here.

    Otherwise, you’ll be able to send your lock off to Kryptonite, who will replace it for you with a functioning lock (of the same or similar model) and keys. 

    You do have to pay to use this service, and you’ll need to post your bike lock to them, but it’s normally cheaper than buying a new lock. 

    This page gives the details on the Kryptonite Lockout Service, and you can find out how much this will cost you on this page.

    Master Lock Key Replacement Service

    Unfortunately, Master Lock don’t offer an in-house key-cutting service to their customers.

    However, it says on the Master Lock website that customers can purchase key blanks from their local authorised distributors, which they can then get cut by a specialised locksmith. 

    I’ve contacted Master Lock to find out the best distributors for the below locations and will update this article once I hear back from them:

    • USA & Canada
    • United Kingdom
    • Mainland Europe 

    I live in central London and subsequently have an abundance of locksmiths nearby. 

    The only Master Lock bike lock I’ve used is the 8278EURDPRO, which uses a disc detainer cylinder.

    I called ten highly reputable locksmiths from across London, and none could cut the keys for me, even if I provided the blank keys and a key code.

    For now, I’d say you’re better off buying a new lock than trying to get replacement keys for a Master Lock bike lock. 

    It’s a shame, but after three months of emailing their customer service, I’m no closer to getting the details of a distributor for blank keys, let alone a capable cutting specialist.  

    As and when I hear back from Master Lock, I’ll update this section with any additional info. 

    If you lose your Master Lock keys, read this section which advises you on your next best move. 

    For a reminder of what Master Lock key codes look like, view this image.

    OnGuard Key Replacement Service

    OnGuard’s key replacement service is less of a service and more of a DIY adventure. 

    OnGuard offer a Key Registration Service to anyone living in the USA. You can find your nearest distributor’s contact details on this page if you live anywhere else.

    From here, call up and find out what’s the best course of action. 

    Some distributors are more reliable than others, but eventually, you should be able to get through to someone (by phone or email) who can advise you on the best course of action.

    The details for the following countries’ distributors are as follows:

    • United Kingdom – Moore & Large: 01332 274252 or 
    • United States – Todson: 800-213-4561
    • Canada – Cycles Lambert: [1] 418-835-1685 or email here

    If you’re a resident of the US, then you can register your keys on this page. This saves your key code so that if you need replacements cut, you’ll have the code saved on your account.

    If you can’t find your key code card, OnGuard won’t be able to cut replacement keys, so you’ll want to read this section to find out what to do next. 

    View this image for a reminder of what OnGuard Key Code Cards look like. 

    Third-Party OnGuard Key Replacements

    Otherwise, a third-party website provides an OnGuard key replacement cutting service with worldwide shipping. 

    The company is called “We Love Keys” and is UK based. You can find their website here.

    All you need to do is enter your OnGuard key code found on the tag that comes with your keys and then provide your address and payment details. 

    The prices for this service are as follows:

    • 1 key – £13.90
    • 2 keys – £12.51 each
    • 5 keys – £11.68 each

    The above prices do not include postage. More information on their postage costs can be found here.

    Trelock Key Replacement Service

    Trelock’s Key Replacement service is simple and streamlined. They also offer worldwide postage, which saves customers a lot of time and hassle compared to the DIY process many other manufacturers offer. 

    To order replacement keys for your Trelock bike lock, visit their order portal here, where you’ll be required to enter your unique Trelock key number.

    If you don’t have or can’t find your key code, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to get a replacement cut.

    If you have lost all of your keys or can’t find your Trelock key code, read this, which talks you through your next steps.

    Some older Trelock models are no longer available for key replacement, so bear this in mind if you have a really old lock. 

    If you have any issues with the key ordering form, it’s worth reaching out to Trelock’s support using the email: [email protected]

    If you need another look at what a Trelock key code looks like, view this image.

    We Love Keys is a third-party online locksmith that can also cut keys for some Trelock models. If possible, however, I’d recommend using the Trelock website to order your key replacements. 

    Trelock Key Replacement Price

    Up to 2 replacement Trelock keys can be bought per key code (per transaction), costing €12 each, not including postage.

    Postage charges range from €1.60 to €3.90 for worldwide postage, which is very reasonable. 

    Via Velo Key Replacement Service

    Via Velo are one of the most popular budget bike lock brands and sell a variety of low-medium security locks. 

    The best place to order replacement keys for a Via Velo bike lock is on their website using this form

    To successfully order new keys, you’ll need to enter your personal details alongside your Via Velo key code, which can be found on the plastic tag on your keyring. 

    Via Velo bike lock key replacement

    Be aware that shipping for these keys can take up to 60 days, so bear that in mind when ordering replacements. 

    If you can’t find your Via Velo key code, you’ll want to read this section, which discusses your next best steps.

    We Love Keys are a third-party UK-based online locksmith company that provide a key-cutting service and can replace Via Velo bike lock keys. 

    Since We Love Keys are UK based, they’ll typically deliver much faster than Via Velo’s turnaround time of 60 days. 

    International shipping will usually take between 5-10 business days. You can view the We Love Keys Via Velo page here

    Via Velo Key Replacement Price

    Key replacements bought by the Via Velo website are, as the Via Velo website states, “free”, which isn’t really true. 

    To order keys, you’ll need to cover the shipping cost, which is $24.96 for three replacement keys and worldwide postage.

    Alternatively, if ordering with We Love Keys, keys cost:

    • £12.90 for 1 key
    • £11.61 for 2 keys
    • £10.84 for 5 keys
    • £10.06 for 10 keys

    These prices exclude shipping which can cost up to £10 depending on your location, but as stated, will be quicker than Via Velo’s in-house key replacement service. 

    Oxford Key Replacement

    If you own an Oxford lock and require key replacements, you’ll need to use their Contact Us form, which can be found here on their website

    Your Oxford key code is typically printed on the keys or the metal tag on the keychain at the time of purchase. 

    You can view an example image of Oxford key codes by clicking the Oxford tab here.

    If you can’t find your Oxford key code, Oxford won’t be able to cut replacement keys for you. In this case, read this section which advises you on your next best steps. 

    View this image if you need a reminder of what an Oxford key code looks like. 

    Once you’ve reached out, Oxford’s team will send you a key replacement form, which you’ll need to fill out with your personal details, lock type and your unique key code.

    Oxford Key Replacement Price

    I reached out to Oxford, who let me know their Oxford key replacement costs:

    • 1 Key – £15
    • 2 Keys – £23
    • 3 Keys – £30

    If you live in the UK, the above price includes postage, but if you live outside of the UK, then the postage charge will depend upon your location. 

    Oxford aim to deliver replacement keys in 6 to 8 weeks, but they let me know that it doesn’t usually take this long. 

    Once you’ve ordered your replacement keys, I show you the first thing you should do when they arrive here

    Seatylock Key Replacement

    If you require replacement keys for a Seatylock bike lock, visit the duplicate keys listing on their website.

    If you registered your key code on their website when you purchased your lock, they’ll print the keys using the code you registered. 

    Chances are you probably didn’t register your key code, in which case you’ll want to email your key code to: [email protected]

    The Key code for Seatylock Bike Locks is supplied on the keyring and is printed on a plastic tab, which is usually red. 

    For a reminder of what Seatylock key code cards look like, view this picture

    If you can’t find your key code, the chances are you’ll need to get a new bike lock.

    Otherwise, if you can’t find your key code card, Seatylock do sell key blanks here, which can be bought and taken to your local locksmith. 

    Call and check with your locksmith before ordering keys to see if they can do this. 

    For a local locksmith to create a duplicate, they’ll need one of the old keys for the lock. It’s unlikely they’d cut you a key without an existing key or the key code. 

    If you’ve misplaced your key card and don’t know the code, I explain the next steps you should take here

    Seatylock Key Replacement Price

    The Seatylock key replacement service costs $25 for three keys, this includes free shipping to the US.

    Unfortunately, shipping outside of the US is not available, so if necessary, you could use a post-forwarding service to order keys to the US and then have them forwarded to your location.

    I spoke to Michael, CEO of Seatylock, who told me that worldwide shipping for replacement keys will be available in 2024. 

    Hiplok Key Replacement

    Hiplok offer a key replacement service through their website. You can view their key replacement page here

    To order new Hiplok keys, you’ll need to enter your Hiplok key code found on the bow of your key (see Hiplok tab here for example location).

    If your Hiplok key doesn’t have a code printed on it, contact Hiplok using: [email protected].

    It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to get new keys cut without a Hiplok key code, and you’ll probably need to buy a new lock. 

    However, it’s worth contacting Hiplok to see if they do anything to assist you. 

    If you can’t find your Hiplok key code, click here, and I’ll talk you through your next best steps. 

    Otherwise, view this image if you’ve forgotten what a Hiplok key code looks like. 

    Hiplok Key Replacement Price

    Replacement Hiplok keys cost:

    • £15 in the UK
    • $15 in the US
    • €12.61 in Europe

    The prices above are for three keys which are usually dispatched within seven days.

    Postage to customers in the UK is free of charge, postage to the US costs $7.60, and Shipping to Germany is €5. 

    Postage outside of the UK takes between 7-10 days. 

    LITELOK Key Replacement

    LITELOK offer a key replacement service to customers using the locks below:

    • LITELOK X1

    You can view the key replacement page here on their website

    Since the LITELOK X3 uses an abloy key, you’ll need to order that separately. You can order these keys here

    To order replacement keys for your LITELOK bike lock, you’ll need to enter your key code, which is normally printed on the blade of your LITELOK keys (see example image here). 

    Without your key code, you’ll struggle to get LITELOK key replacements cut, but it may be worth contacting LITELOK using the email: [email protected] to see if they can offer any advice. 

    Otherwise, read this section which explains what to do if you can’t find your key code.

    LITELOK Key Replacement Price

    Abloy keys from LITELOK cost £25 for a single key, with free shipping worldwide, and all other keys cost £20 for two keys. 

    Once your new LITELOK key replacements have arrived, click here to learn what to do before using them. 

    Zefal Key Replacement

    To get replacement Zefal keys cut, you’ll need to contact their customer service team using the email: [email protected]

    You’ll need to provide the lock model and key code, which is supplied on a blue and white plastic tag at the time of purchase (click here, for example key tag image). 

    Without this information, Zefal cannot provide assistance, and you’ll need to purchase a replacement lock. 

    If you haven’t been able to locate your key code, read this section for the steps you should now take

    Zefal Key Replacement Price

    I contacted the customer service team at Zefal, who let me know that their key replacement service is free of charge.

    Regardless of the customer’s final location, you don’t have to cover postage, which is brilliant. 

    Search for your lock on the Zefal website here to find out if replacement keys are a possibility for your lock. Then once confirmed, use the email above to contact the Zefal team. 

    Zefal’s delivery time for replacement keys averages eight weeks, which is pretty long, but considering it’s a free service, you can’t complain. 

    Three keys are included with replacement sets. I advise reading these steps about what to do before you start using your new bike lock keys. 

    Altor Key Replacement

    Altor’s key replacement service is nice and straightforward for a small company. 

    You can find the replacement bike lock keys they offer here on their website.

    At checkout, you’ll be required to enter the key code stamped on the back of your existing keys, or you can email your key code with your order number to: [email protected]

    Altor Bike Lock Key Replacement Service

    If you’re unable to find or have lost the keys to your lock, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to get replacements cut. In which case, read this section.

    However, it’s worth contacting Altor using the email above to see if they can provide any advice.

    Click here to view the location where you’ll find the key code for your Altor lock. 

    Altor Key Replacement Price

    Altor’s replacement bike lock keys come in a set of two and cost $20.

    • Shipping in the US costs $4
    • Shipping to the UK costs $18
    • Shipping to Canada costs $33
    • Shipping to Germany costs $39

    Once your new Altor keys have arrived, read this article which teaches you what to do before using your new bike lock keys. 

    Do This Before You Start Using Your New Keys

    Since this bike lock key replacement guide is already relatively long, We’ve made a short read covering the five must-do steps before using your new bike lock keys

    This separate guide is a quick read and will save you time and a lot of hassle moving forward.

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    Author of This Post:
    Picture of James Grear (Lead Editor)
    James Grear (Lead Editor)

    Understanding how devastating it is to have a bike stolen, I've researched & immersed myself in the world of bicycle security since 2013.

    I then built BikeLockWiki in 2019 to share everything I'd learned with the worldwide cycling community so that cyclists can improve their bike security skills and make informed decisions when purchasing new products and services.

    Learn More about Me & BikeLockWiki here.

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